Singapore Embassy donates 150 gift bags to Neeson Cripps Academy Students


Mrs Grace Tan, spouse of Singapore Ambassador Michael Tan, Street Art Fest++ Chairperson Stella Toh and Singapore Embassy representatives donated 150 gift bags, stationery sets and 20 cartons of chocolates and sweets to students from the Neeson Cripps Academy (NCA) and the Cambodian Children’s Fund (CCF) Friday morning, October 2.

The event was also attended by CCF Founder Scott Neeson. The items were contributed by Singapore companies LSH Cambodia and Goodhill Enterprise, and the Street Art Fest++. Goodhill was a gold sponsor of the festival.


Mr Neeson said that CCF was glad to receive this donation of gift bags from the Street Art Fest++. This welcome gift followed from the donation of US$55,000 from the Street Art Fest++ proceeds, which had been more than expected.

The money would be used for CCF’s arts and culture programmes and given back to the local community. Mr Neeson thanked Mrs Tan and the Singapore Embassy for the gift bags which would be distributed to students at NCA. In particular, the gift bags would be welcomed by many students as they would return to school next week.


Mrs Tan thanked CCF for hosting the event. CCF was the Embassy’s designated beneficiary, and the main beneficiary of the Street Art Fest++. The Embassy was happy to donate some gift bags to NCA students today as it represented our continued support of CCF.

The organization had also done good work in lifting up children in disadvantaged communities in Steung Meanchey, and the NCA continued to provide good quality education to less fortunate children.


CCF’s work had continued during the COVID-19 pandemic, and these gifts, including the proceeds from the Street Art Fest++, would go some way towards encouraging students as they returned to school.


Voun Saphon

Cambodia News from Cambodia's leading Newspaper. News from Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Battambang, Sihanoukville and all of Cambodia.

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